Invest in
Global Markets


Equities and Other Stock Market Instruments

Global Equities
Listed in Major World Exchanges
Turkish Equities
Equity Derivatives
OTC and Exchange traded  
Margin Trading

Global Debt Products

Sovereign Eurobonds
Corporate Eurobonds


Currency Pairs
All major currency pairs
Spot, Swaps, Forwards and Futures
FX Options


Product Coverage
Precious metals, industrial metals, energy and agricultural commodities
Geographical Coverage
London Metal Exchange and US Commodity Exchanges
Product Line
Swaps, Futures, Options and Structured Products (Exchange Traded and OTC)

MaxisTrader - Electronic Trading Platform

Electronic Trading Platform
Allows more experienced investors to electronically trade in a wide range of products including FX, Options, CFD and Future Contracts

Important information - Investments can go down as well as up in value, so you may get back less than you invest. Any income your investments pay may also change over time. Tax rules can change and their benefits depend on your personal circumstances. The information on our website isn't advice. Please ask us about our advisory service if you’re not sure which investments are right for you. If you decide to invest please read our Risk Warning Notice first so that you understand the risks of investing.